Choice of Species & Planting Approach
For this planning period, the main species earmarked for planting are batai, laran, binuang, talisai, and magas. All species were selected based on their known commercial value, relatively fast growth, and ease of procuring planting material. The objective of planting is to produce timber mainly for plywood manufacturing and saw logs (to a lesser extent). Planting material for the species concerned will be largely raised from seeds collected from selected superior trees in the wild. All chosen species have an approximate rotation age between 10 and 15 years and expected merchantable yields ranging from 220 to 280 m3ha-1 upon clear-felling. The projected DBH of all fast-growing species (classified as those with rotation ages of 15 years or less) at rotation age of 35-55 cm. Laran and binuang are pioneer species with rapid early growth. Canopy closure can be achieved in 2-3 years, and therefore they will be planted at final spacing, with no need for intermediate thinning.For this planning period, the main species earmarked for planting are batai, laran, binuang, talisai, and magas. All species were selected based on their known commercial value, relatively fast growth, and ease of procuring planting material. The objective of planting is to produce timber mainly for plywood manufacturing and saw logs (to a lesser extent). Planting material for the species concerned will be largely raised from seeds collected from selected superior trees in the wild. All chosen species have an approximate rotation age between 10 and 15 years and expected merchantable yields ranging from 220 to 280 m3ha-1 upon clear-felling. The projected DBH of all fast-growing species (classified as those with rotation ages of 15 years or less) at rotation age of 35-55 cm. Laran and binuang are pioneer species with rapid early growth. Canopy closure can be achieved in 2-3 years, and therefore they will be planted at final spacing, with no need for intermediate thinning.
Species to be planted in the project area and their approximate rotation ages and potential uses

General Planting approach
The forest plantation envisioned for this project will use a mix 3 or 4 species planted in pure stands where they are most suitable. From a marketing perspective, mixed plantations permit changes in emphasis among species, whereas pure timber stands lack flexibility in meeting changer in market demands
Planting will be limited to areas with a slope gradient of 150 or less, whereas steep areas greater than 250 that are deemed inoperable will not be planted. Plantations will be established such that a certain level of biodiversity is maintained. For areas that fall between 150 and 250 forest plantations will be conducted in the form of mosaic plantings of more or less 50:50 ratio of planted forest to natural forest. Here, the timber production will be confined to the planted forest only, whereas the remaining natural forests will be maintained strictly for protection. Based on the agreement between Rakyat Berjaya and Usahawan Borneo Greenwood, the net planted area under this project shall be no more than 10,000 ha in total.
The idea behind ‘mosaic planting’ on steeper areas is to establish patches of fast-growing tree plantations whilst maintaining natural forest to minimize soil disturbance and erosion. The scattered patches of man-made forest integrate with natural stands to form a forest monoculture; and at the same time be likely more resistant to pest and disease outbreaks. Such a design, also gives the forest a more natural appearance, thereby resulting in a planted forest of superior aesthetic quality. This will be a departure from the conventional monoculture, where the forest is usually clear felled and planted with a single species.