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Environmental Aspect Impact Assessment



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Legends : M : Magnitude of the possible change

                  P : Permanence of the impact imposed

                  R : Reversibility of the conditions imposed onto the project site and its surrounding 


                  C : Cumulative impact over time



1.2.1 Soil Erosion


The area having a slope of ≥250 is 624 ha (4.1%)(average soil loss per year is very high which is 2,385.4 tonne/ha/yr). Impact of soil erosion can be overcome adopting the proposed mitigation measures.


1.2.2 Water Quality Deterioration


The impact of water quality deterioration is significant if improper implementations of environmental control measures are applied. However, restriction of any plantation activities on slopes ≥250 and provision of riparian reserves as a buffer zone will minimize the project impact to the water quality. Proper distance of various facilities in Compartment 15 to any waterbodies should also be followed strictly to reduce the water quality deterioration.

The areas identified for forest restoration will experience the greatest ecological impact as most allowable area are covered with existing vegetation that will be cleared.

The integrated mosaic tree enrichment planting method used for forest restoration areas will minimize the amount of clearing required and minimize disturbance on the existing vegetation and ecology. The forest restoration activity will also promote a state of forest health and restore natural ecological processes.

Providing that the mitigation measures are implemented, the ecological impacts can be minimized. The conservation areas, including steep slopes and riparian reserves as well as buffer zones will ensure the preservation and protection of the existing ecology, particularly ecology in and around the rivers and streams on the project site. The project area has already been degraded following previous forestry activities

1.2.3 Biomass


Provided that the mitigation measures are implemented, the impact from the disposal of waste will be minimal. Some biomasses can be reused. The biomass that cannot be reused will be left on site to degrade naturally. Solid wastes will be collected and buried at a dedicated dumping site. Scheduled waste will be first stored in an onsite facility and then transported by DOE licensed contractor out of the site. This will be handled according to the DOE guidelines on scheduled wastes.

1.2.4 Noise Interference


The potential impacts of the project activities on noise interference by ground transportations are not significant due to the number / frequency of truck trip is low. Noise interference from the heavy machinery and equipment on site is considered minimal as the nearest human receptor is very far away from the project site. The noise exposure is also intermittent, temporary in nature as the project site is still surrounded by trees, which act as a natural buffer.

1.2.5 Air Quality Deterioration


Air quality deterioration associated with project activities is considered minimal, providing the mitigation measures are implemented. Any increase of ambient Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) is expected to be well below the Malaysian Air Quality Standard (which is 260 µg/m3). In addition, the air quality deterioration is intermittent, localized and temporary in nature.


1.2.6 Agrochemical Application Impacts


The impact of agrochemical usage is not significant if proper implementation of SOP is in place. One purpose of this SOP is to define an application protocol for the routine and non-routine application of pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides (including pre-emergents).

1.2.7 Traffic and Transporations Impacts


The impact of traffic and transportation will be insignificant during the development stage as the machinery will be left on site until the completion of work. The number of truck trips generated by the project proponent during transportation of the seedlings is also small. Increase in traffic during transportation or construction materials were temporary. However, consideration should be given to transportation passing through the settlements area within the vicinity of the project site during development and, operational stage. If the mitigation measure are implemented, the impact of traffic and transportation during the logging and planting phases can be minimized.

1.2.7 Fire Hazard


The impact on fire hazard generated by the project is quite significant with the onslaught of the dry season. In addition, permission is required from the from the project proponent to enter the project site and this will avoid fire hazard occurrences due to the negligence of illegal hunting. However, consideration should be given to the unattended open burning from shifting cultivation or negligence of illegal hunters in the vicinity areas and also from the workers.

1.2.8 Socio Economic Impacts


The socio-economic impact of the project will be a positive impact to the local population in the vicinity of the project site by providing employment and local economic growth. The impacts of the proposed project on water quality are deemed minimal as long as the mitigation measures is implemented.

1.2.8 Occupational Safety and Health Issues


The possible impacts on occupational safety and health are considered minimal as the workers who are involved in the project development will be briefed and developed experience in the handling of tools, equipment and machinery during site clearing, felling, skidding, planting and maintenance.






a) Staggered Development.

b) Protection of steep areas

c) Soil Erosion Control Structure:

i) Diversion Ditches

ii) Bench Terraces

iii) Brush Sediment Barriers

iv) Silt Traps and Sedimentation Ponds\

v) Drainage System.

1.3.2 Water Quality Control


a) Soil Conservation Practices

            i) Regulating On-site activities during the development stages

ii) Filter and Protection Strips

b) Provision of Riparian Reserves

c) Control of Surface Runoff

d) Protection of Water Quality from Sediments

1.3.3 Ecological Impact Control


a) Habitat Protection

b) Flora,Fauna and Aquatic Protection

c) Administration




1.3.4 Biomass and Waste Management


a) Prohibition of biomass open burning.

b) Stacking the biomass properly in tidy manner.

c) Solid waste management

d) Sewage management

e) Scheduled waste management and diesel dispensing.

1.3.5 Noise Control


a) Retain trees and vegetation at the project boundary to buffer against noise impact.

b) Schedule regular maintenance of the machinery, equipment and vehicles to ensure that they are operating efficiently.

c) Transportation of logs and tree seedlings should b planned to avoid nighttime to reduce noise impacts.

d) Maintain the silencers of the diesel exhaust systems.

1.3.6 Air Pollution Control


a) Dust control

b) Vehicle Emission Control

1.3.7 Agrochemical Application Control


a) Agrochemicals should be applied according to crop requirement for more efficient uptake and reduced loss through volatilization, surface runoff and water leaching.

b) Monitoring closely the proper usage and control of fertilizers through the implementation of SOP.

c) Agrochemicals need to be properly handled with used containers returned to suppliers or collected for proper disposal.

d) Agrochemicals should not be applied during the wet season or on rainy days.

e) Comply with the water quality standards class IIB of the NWQSM

f) Agrochemicals need to be properly stored.

g) A logbook should be set up to track the usage.

1.3.8 Traffic and Transportation Control


a) Erect traffic signs at appropriate spots along the access roads.

b) Drivers must strictly maintain proper road courtesy during transportation to allow lighter vehicles to pass.

c) Create speedbump at appropriate interval in settled areas.

d) Avoid overloading of lorries.

e) Schedule transportation activities to avoid peak traffic hours.

f) All transportation vehicles must be properly cleaned before entering public roads.

1.3.9 Fire Prevention and Control


a) Open burning is always prohibited.

b) All project staff and workers need to be briefed on fire hazard safety measures

c) In the event of fire, the site should be closed to the public.

d) Provide a fire or emergency assembly area.

e) Ensure that the fuel and oil are properly stored.

f) Providing equipment and facilities such as vehicle access, mobile water tankers, fire extinguishers.

g) Prepare and submit a Fire Prevention and Management Plan to EPD.

1.3.10 Socio Economic Consideratiton


a) Employment

b) Public Relations

c) Livelihood

d) Compensation

e) Access



1.3.11 Occupational Safety and Health Practices.


a) Administrative Control

b) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

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